Night blindness is not a complete lack of vision at night, as the name implies. It is a below-average ability to see at night or in low light. Night blindness, unlike color blindness, is not a disorder in itself, but rather a symptom of an underlying condition. It can occur in people of all ages, even young children.

Your night vision naturally differs from your day vision in many ways. In darkness, the eye is basically color blind; visual acuity is poor, and the eye sees only a fraction of what it sees in daylight. A central scotoma (an area of diminished vision) appears in the center of the visual field; and the eye is unable detect stationary objects as well as it can detect moving objects.

If you have night blindness, you will have consistent difficulties in seeing at night, but will be able to see normally during the day or when an adequate amount of light is present. You will not be able to see objects in the dark that are easily visible to others, and your eyes may need more time to adjust after you go from a brightly lit space into a dark space, such as a movie theatre.

People with night blindness often have problems driving at night. If you have a history of poor night vision, whether it is a recent occurrence or a long-standing problem, you should see your eye doctor for an evaluation.

Having headlights that work properly also assist those that have difficulty at night and getting your headlights restored is the first step towards solving the problem.

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